A meeting was held on the problem of preserving the environment by recycling coal waste from thermal power plants

Deputy Director of the Department of Electric Power Industry Development of the Ministry of Energy of Russia Pyotr Bobylev spoke at a roundtable on “Regulation of ash waste from coal-fired power plants”, organized by the Committee on Energy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. The meeting took place on April 18, 2019.

The «round table» was attended by PN. Zavalny (Chairman of the Energy Committee, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation), as well as representatives of federal executive authorities, government bodies of the Rostov, Kemerovo and Irkutsk regions, as well as representatives of the industry and expert communities.

Describing the situation in the coal power industry of the Russian Federation, P.N. Zavalny noted that about 123 million tons of solid fuel are burned per year at coal-generating facilities in the Russian Federation, which produce 17% of electric energy and 20% of thermal energy, with 20 million tons of ash waste being produced annually. At the same time, the share of involvement of ASW in economic circulation is currently about 10%.


At the same time, the Chairman of the Committee on Energy stressed that the main obstacle to increasing sales of ash waste is the lack of an established ash waste consumption market. World experience indicates the need for a system of government measures, including economic incentives for potential processors and consumers of ash waste.

Futhermore, the Deputy Director of the Department P.M. Bobylev noted that work on creating a guaranteed demand for ash waste from the consumer’s side should be comprehensive and include such measures as increasing the use of ash waste in the formation of state and municipal orders, in road and rail construction, in the production of building materials, and in providing economic benefits and preferences.

In order to drastically increase the share of engaging of ash waste in economic circulation, Deputy Director of the Department Peter Bobylev was asked to work together with interested federal executive bodies, authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, industry and expert community to develop a roadmap to increase the volume of use and processing of ash waste, and to determine the key roles of federal and regional bodies, as well as to develop a system of performance targets of these measures.

Kaplieva Ksenia-analyst

Resources: https://minenergo.gov.ru/


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