News from Japanese organization JCOAL on the topic of “Fly Ash and Coal Use” from 2017

Overview of IGGC Technology

The demand for the coal-fired power generation is expected to see an increase throughout the world. It is going forward optimizing such power generation and reducing its environmental burden.

“Integrated coal Gasification Combined Cycle” is cutting edge of next-generation technology for electricity generation. In this cycle the coal is gasified and power is generated by supplying this gas to a gas turbine and by turning a steam turbine. It also greatly reduces emissions of CO2 and leads to a 55 percent reduction in the volume of coal ash as a by-product by emitting it in the form of glass.

Meetings held in 2017

On Tuesday, August 29, 2017, the First Japan-China Joint Committee was held in Beijing in a CEC meeting room, and the results of a questionnaire survey on improving the efficiency and the environment of Chinese thermal power plants were announced by CEC. This questionnaire was conducted for 300-MW, 600-MW and 1000-MW units in China in order to understand the issues and needs of thermal power generation in China and promote the matching and introduction of Japanese seed technology. The survey was divided into six sections: energy saving, maintenance, operation management, power plant management, environmental preservation, and facility maintenance. Out of 200 questionnaires distributed, 150 were collected, and of these, 143 were valid responses. The chairman of the Chinese delegation, CEC Vice Chairman Gan, summarized the findings of the questionnaire as follows.

  • Politically, the Chinese government is trying to develop renewable clean energy, but peak adjustment is emerging as a challenge.
  • Most wind power, hydroelectric power, and solar power that is generated is not actually used very effectively. Reasons include problems with the grid structure as well as structural problems with peak adjustment

On 19th September 2017 Japan Coal Energy Center (JCOAL) signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Minerals Council of Australia (MCA) and ACA Low Emissions Technology (ACALET) to enhance the collaboration among the parties for the purpose of promotion of best practices in the fields from coal development to coal utilization. Coal is extremely important energy source being utilized in all over the world, but it has some weak points of emitting more Sox, NOx, particulates and CO2 compared with other fossil fuels. It is, therefore, vitally important to develop and disseminate the Clean Coal Technologies, counter-measures to mitigate the environmental impacts. The MoU will form the basis for the parties to construct the mutually beneficial working relationship among the parties through the exchange of information and mutual collaboration in aggressively appealing the importance of coal to the public.

The Minerals Council of Australia represents Australia’s exploration, mining and minerals processing industry, nationally and internationally, in its contribution to sustainable development and society. Australia’s minerals industry is innovative, technologically advanced, capital intensive, and environmentally and socially progressive. The industry is a major contributor to national income, investment, high-wage jobs, exports and government revenues in Australia. MCA member companies account for more than 85 per cent of Australia’s annual mineral production and 90 per cent of mineral export earnings. ACA (Australian Coal Association) was merged into MCA in 2013.

Resources: JCOAL

Ksenia Kaplieva-analyst

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