On February 19, governed by Governor Sergey Levchenko, the Government of the Irkutsk Region held a meeting of the Expert Advisory Council of the “Siberian Agreement” on Ecology and Preservation of Natural Heritage. Alexander Simenel, the Executive Director of National Association of Manufacturers and Consumers of Fly Ash, presented the report «Organization’s prospects of Energy Production and Use in the Russian Federation»
As part of the first question on the environmental problems of coal thermal electric power industry in the Siberian Federal District, arising from the Message of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin’s meeting to the Federal Assembly on March 1, 2018 and Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 07.05.2018 No. 204: “Goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024” with the report “Organization’s prospects of production and use of fly ash in the thermal electric power industry in the Russian Federation” was presented by the Executive Director of the National Association of Manufacturers and Consumers of Fly Ash, Alexander Simenel.
The main topic of discussion was the organization of processing and use of collected fly ash waste, with a further transition to low-waste heat and power generation at coal-fired thermal power plants in the regions of Siberia.
The meeting was attended by the heads of relevant ministries and departments of the Russian Federation constituent entities of the Siberian Federal District, the Office of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of Russia to the Siberian Federal District, the AMIS Executive Committee, as well as representatives of the largest generating companies of the region, authoritative experts and scientists.
One of the reports was especially remembered: it was presented by the Chairman of the Expert Advisory Council of the IA Siberian Agreement on Ecology and Preservation of Natural Heritage, Governor of the Irkutsk Region, Sergey Levchenko.
In the opinion of the head of the Angara region, the problems considered at the EX-MASS are extremely relevant for all Siberians, residents of cities and villages of the Siberian macro-region — today more than 500 million tons of products of burning solid fuel from thermal power plants have already been accumulated in the storages of solid fuel combustion products of Siberia. Moreover, the volume of increase in waste of thermal power plants is 12.7 million tons per year. About 4,000 hectares of land are occupied by ash dumps within the boundaries of municipalities, and they are almost filled, and the rate of expansion of their areas is up to 100 hectares per year.
As Sergey Levchenko emphasized, the solution of the problem is possible only with the introduction of thermal power plant waste into the economic circulation in volumes not lower than their annual increment.
As part of the first question, devoted to the tasks on the greening of the coal thermal power industry in the Siberian Federal District, arising from the Message of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin’s meeting to the Federal Assembly on March 1, 2018 and Presidential Decree of 07.05.2018 No. 204: “Goals and strategic objectives of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024” with the report “Organization’s prospects of production and efficient use of fly ash in thermal energy industry in the Russian Federation ” was made by the Executive Director of the National Association of producers of and consumers of fly ash, Alexander Simenel.
In the main part of the meeting of the Expert Advisory Council of the AMIS, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Siberian Accord Interregional Association — Gennady Guselnikov — shared his vision of solving problems in terms of reducing output and eliminating accumulated volumes of fly ash waste. They also presented AMIS proposals for the development and implementation of the interregional project “Organization of processing and use of accumulated fly ash waste, with a further transition to low-waste heat and power generation at coal-fired thermal power plants in the Siberian Federal District”.
According to the approved agenda, representatives of Siberian Generating Company and Irkutskenergo reported on practical work on fly ash management at coal-fired power plants at the largest enterprises in the industry in Siberia.
Finally, Sergey Lekarevich, a representative of the management of Omsk Osnova Holding LLC, spoke about the successful experience of its enterprise in using fly ash at national economy facilities.
The outcome of the meeting of the Expert Advisory Council of the AMIS on the Ecology and Conservation of Natural Heritage in the capital of Priangarie was the adoption of a resolution that is designed to determine ways to solve the problem of introducing waste from coal-fired power plants in Siberia into economic circulation.
Ksenia Kaplieva -analyst